Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Weakest Link

The strategy in a war is to annihilate its opponent; not its team mates. In an act of war, taking out the enemy while taking down your own team mates is counterproductive. You must be strategic. Strategists identify their target, aim for that target, and launch their missile accordingly. The truth is, the lack of strategy breeds disunity. If a team mate is launching missiles to take out an opponent while eliminating members of his/her team, it weakens the strength of the team and sows discord. This results in an impuissant team lacking the fortified efficacy to drive the opponent backwards and thus forfeiting the team's impending victory. In other words, the one that creates disunity is the one that causes the advancement of the team to be compromised. As the television show would say, "YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK". If there are battles that are lost, and there is a lack of understanding as to why, look for "the weakest link." There is a popular saying that says, "Where there is unity, there is strength." Matthew 12:25 says (AMP), "And knowing their thoughts, He [Jesus] said to them, Any kingdom that is divided against itself is being brought to desolation and laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will last or continue to stand." I'm indeed inclined to believe that the key to overthrowing, dismantling, and disrupting the strategies of our adversary is found in the antiquated principle of unity. Antiquated? Yes. Impossible? Surely not. But achievable? Absolutely! With that said, let's advance the Kingdom!

Grace, Peace, & Love...

The Weakest Link

The strategy in a war is to annihilate its opponent; not its team mates. In an act of war, taking out the enemy while taking down your own team mates is counterproductive. You must be strategic. Strategists identify their target, aim for that target, and launch their missile accordingly. The truth is, the lack of strategy breeds disunity. If a team mate is launching missiles to take out an opponent while eliminating members of his/her team, it weakens the strength of the team and sows discord. This results in an inpuissant team lacking the fortified efficacy to drive the opponent backwards and thus forfeiting the team's impending victory. In other words, the one that creates disunity is the one that causes the advancement of the team to be compromised. As the television show would say, "YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK.". If there are battles that are lost, and there is a lack of understanding as to why, look for "the weakest link." There is a popular saying that says, "Where there is unity, there is strength." Matthew 12:25 says (AMP), "And knowing their thoughts, He [Jesus] said to them, Any kingdom that is divided against itself is being brought to desolation and laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will last or continue to stand." I'm indeed inclined to believe that the key to overthrowing, dismantling, and disrupting the strategies of our adversary is found in the antiquated principle of unity. Antiquated? Yes. Impossible? Surely not. But achievable? Absolutely! With that said, let's advance the Kingdom!

Grace, Peace, & Love...
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Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Keep it 100

William Shakespeare is probably one of the most well known famous English poets and playwrights known. His work has been integrated into seemingly every high school and college classroom for English literature while students seek to gain an understanding of the mysteries hidden beyond the pages of the written soliloquy penned during times of emotional distress. One of the most popular discourse's studied is that found in Hamlet; "To Be or Not To Be..." I can recall being assigned this very passage by Mrs. De Flores in AP English in high school; I had to stand before my class and deliver this monologue with passion and power. Needless to say, I rehearsed this passage, I studied this became real to me. So real that I delivered, and earned my A.

The unfortunate thing is that there are now allegations that all of the works attributed to William Shakespeare were really written by the 17th earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere. In fact, there is a new movie being released soon with these accusations being the plot of the movie. So what does this mean? William Shakespeare is being accused of fraudulent behavior! Whether that is true or not, I can't say. But the accusation is quite chilling. To think that something that we have seen as true or real for centuries is now under question causes me to ponder on another question...To be real or not to be? That is the new question.

We live in a society that is no longer impressed by the eloquent speaking of vain repetitious words void of demonstration and power. We want to see the manifestation of what has been said. In other words, we don't want to see it, and we certainly don't want to hear it unless there is a stamp of approval that says REAL.
In order to understand what it means to "Keep it 100," we must truly understand the state of our generation to fully grasp the importance of this philosophy of real. Today's generation of young adults were raised on talk shows (i.e. Rikki Lake, Sally Jesse Raphael, Phil Donohue, Jerry Springer, Geraldo Rivera, Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams, etc). We have been conditioned to want everything "raw." It's essential in communicating with us that we receive it that way or it becomes diluted and the first thing we say is, "Keep it 100." The unfortunate thing about our awareness of "real" is that is has caused us to be desensitized or numb to situations and issues. Nothing surprises us anymore. But fortunate for us, we examine everything to the letter. Everything and everyone passes through a scan now. Nothing and no one is exempt.

With that in mind, one of the most common yet unscriptural declarations that people, including Christians, say is "only God can judge me". While that may sound like the right statement, it is certainly not an accurate statement. God has called us, the people of God, to righteously judge! That is not to be confused with criticism. But judge? Yes...that is your job.

1 Corinthians 2:15 NIV "The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgments."

1 Thessalonians 5:21 NIV "Test everything. Hold on to the good."

John 7:24 NIV "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment."

1 Corinthians 6:3 NIV "Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!"

There is a 90 day rule that the world's system utilizes as a way of discerning or making judgment about it's employees. It says that employees show up with false pretenses in order to secure a full time, permanent job with benefits. But within 90 days, that person's true character will show up. By day 30, tardiness has increased. By day 45, some additional bad habits have surfaced that are not conducive to a productive work environment. By day 90, HR decides if the employment relationship will work before they release unto you full benefits. In the same sense, I have for years implemented that 90 day rule. Everyone undergoes it and no one is exempt. I have made a couple of exceptions over time. And I can honestly say that each time I have done that, I have paid for that mistake greatly. But as I write this, I have recommitted myself to being who God has called me to be governmentally in the Kingdom of God. My prayer to God is the same prayer that Solomon prayed in 1 Kings 3:9 NIV, "So give your servant a discerning heart to govern between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?"

In conclusion, my encouragement to you is this; test everything. Leave nothing untouched. If it seems off, it likely is. Don't be afraid to examine areas that many don't want to for fear of repercussions. And by all means, KEEP IT 100 with yourself. There is no way for you to identify the "real" if you live by the "fake."

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Face of Disaster

I was completing an assignment on crisis management tonight and thought I would share a portion of the paper that I thought was significant to how we respond to major disaster. As I wrote, I couldn't help but think about all those people who were affected by the September 11 tragedy (which we are coincidentally remembering today), those who were forever changed due to Hurricane Katrina, or the earthquakes that have been occurring seemingly worldwide. Then I considered my own personal disasters...all that I've seen and encountered throughout my years, I realized that although our personal disasters may differ, the ravaging effects remain the same. They are gut wrenching, heart breaking, mind can literally suck the wind out of you. I'm sure you are reading this and thinking of that one situation...that one "disaster" that you weren't sure that you'd recover from. And I'm also sure that you are also considering the one that didn't make it. Of all the people that didn't survive, you did. But for the grace of God! Don't you ever wonder why? Why you? Why did He take her but leave you? Why did it crush them, but fortify you? What great resilience you have! To stare disaster in the face and say (in my most country voice), 'I'm gone' make it anyway." I'm of the things that causes me to fight...I mean keep pushing through is the fact that someone, or something has told me that I couldn't. If I wanted to quit, I wouldn't dare give my adversary the satisfaction of winning! I may have a scar or two, or four, or thirteen, or more! But I promise it's just a scar and not a fatal wound. I've been living by this motto...I'm LOL (Living Out Loud) even when there are those who want me to live silently! Anyway, here's the part of my paper that I wanted to share...
"In completing this assignment, there were observations that I made both in understanding the different types of crises, and in considering the different crises that I have experienced. One of the most interesting things that I have found is that when disaster strikes, people will either bind together, or they will tear apart. It is likened unto the fight or flight syndrome. More often times than not, I have found that people will fight together rather than against each other. One of the most memorable tragedies that I have of this very insight is that of Hurricane Katrina. During that time, people were put into the Super Dome for shelter. This meant that the sick were put into a room with the healthy, the honest with the dishonest, and the moral with the immoral. There were numerous accounts of those who were killed in the Super Dome as a result. But even through those situations, the majority of the natives of New Orleans stuck together. Another example of this is found in the tragedy of September 11, 2001 as it brought people together who may have never come together. Through disaster, I have learned that it knows no color, it knows no gender, and it knows no race. Disaster doesn't even know a name. But the rise of those affected by the disaster is predicated upon the strength and resilience that they collectively draw upon in hopes of a brighter future. "

Love You All...MJ

A Heart Condition

There is something so beautiful about the love of a father. There is a sense of covering and protection, guidance, strength…it’s presence is so powerful. Yet the absence has its consequences. My heart is weighed with compassion for those who couldn’t release themselves to celebrate during this season of honoring fathers. I sense that there are many of you that suffer from heart conditions. Not the type of heart conditions that must be diagnosed by medical doctors through natural devices designed to determine such conditions. But by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. During my quiet time, the Lord placed on my heart that the difficulty that many experience in fully engaging with Him as “Father” is directly associated with the disappointment and hurt experienced by their natural fathers. These disappointments manifest in many areas, whether people are willing to admit it or not. For the man who witnessed and often experienced the wrath of his alcohol and drug induced father…he repeats the cycle with his wife and children. For the man who was sexually abused by the man who was supposed to cover and protect him, namely his father, he now finds himself trying to wash the shame of his wounded masculinity in the bed of virgins. For the woman who’s father walked out and left or was never there…she tries to find the approval of a man through the roller coaster rides of relationships and promiscuity not realizing that the void will never be filled. This list of disappointments can go on and on. I myself have during a season of my life suffered from the same ache and pains in my heart that many of you experience today. It’s an unexplainable grief. A grief of either what used to be, or what never was. But my encouragement to you today is that there will only be peace and inner healing for you as you began to live life through the Spirit. Romans 8:12-16 (NIV) says, “Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation - but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeed of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba Father.”” Beloved, when you no longer live and play by the rules of the world, you are no longer subject to the effects of the world. By all means, I don’t mean that you do not have to live according to the laws of the world we live in. I am speaking of something much more than that…much deeper than that. It’s the inner healing I’m after today. When you are hurt in an incident, and you desire the pain to go away, do you seek medicinal healing from the thing/one that caused you the pain? Hopefully not. If you do, then there is yet another heart condition that we need to discuss besides this one. But when you have experienced pain, you go to a physician. I’m merely telling you to allow the Great Physician to bring you that healing. When, and not if, He heals you, then the cycle of pain is broken! Do you hear what I am saying? It’s done! You are healed! That comes through life through the Spirit. I encourage you to evaluate your road on life. Are you living according to the nature of the flesh? Then everything your flesh experiences, you will feel; guaranteed. But if you ever step over into the realm of living according to the Spirit, then you can only experience life!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fellowship...Or The Lack Thereof

In this season, I believe that there is a lack of fellowship amongst believers which our adversary is using as a weapon to facilitate the great apostasy within the hearts of many. What does it mean to be affected by an apostate spirit? It is a rebelling against, a forsaking or abandonment of what was once believed, a falling away. The word “apostasy” is derived from the Greek word “apostasia” which means to stand away from. This word is also closely related to the noun that is used for a divorce. This is very interesting because the relationship between God and the church is often referred to as a marriage. It is very important that the definition of “apostasy” is fully understood in order to gain strategy in this season to war against it. There is a huge theological debate that has been occurring for years that says that if a person has “fallen away” from what he or she once believed, then they were never really saved initially. Other’s affirm the concept of the sovereignty of God’s grace and that a true believer will never truly fall away. I am not here to debate any theological points. I am simply here to cause you to think. So let’s consider this…anyone that has ever fallen away in any way has done so because he or she was not in fellowship with the right person or spirit. I often hear things like, “I can’t do her/him, I can’t be around everyone, Everyone can’t go with me…” Sound familiar? I know it does to me. I’ve often said it myself! But I really started examining this. I began to hear of more and more people falling away, returning to previous lifestyles, desiring to fellowship with those from their B.C. days rather than fellowshipping with those from their A.D. days. I noticed a commonality in all of those situations; the lack of fellowship with true believers. In the book of Acts, after the Pentecost experience, the people not only devoted themselves to apostolic teaching, but they devoted themselves to the breaking of bread AND prayer (Acts 2). There was unity. And as a result, many signs and wonders followed them. Acts 2:46-47 (NIV) says, “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” This is so powerful; that something we disregard as not a necessity is what preceded the adding of saved souls on a daily basis. Did you know that your fellowship could be the life line for someone? Somehow, the church at large has gotten confused with the responsibility to the ministry of reconciliation and the ministry of souls with the promotion of our own “personal ministries” and our desire to remain untouchable or unreachable. We’ve spooked those who may not have a full understanding of church lingo and put up an invisible barrier to those; you stay over there, and I’ll stay over here while yelling across the line anything I think you may need to know. I’m here to say people of God, the more we do this, the more we push those people away into the direction of their adversary. Fellowship is key. Acts 2 demonstrates the power of fellowship. Consider our first mother, Eve, who was in fellowship with the serpent; yet another dynamic of how powerful fellowship truly is. The serpent didn’t steal anything from Eve, and Adam for that matter. He simply talked her into or fellowshipped with her long enough for her to forfeit her rightful place in God. My hope is that we can truly experience unity in the body. Not the kind of unity that brings us to a building where we worship the same God yet can’t stand the person we are sitting next to due to personality idiosyncrasies, where we leave the building and can’t tolerate or stand to be in one another’s presence, where we aren’t truly concerned for our brother and sister throughout the week…That’s not family, although we often mistake it for being such. Many people leave their natural families or have been ostracized by their natural families and want to be accepted by their spiritual family only to be pushed away by those they should be in fellowship with. Pastor’s are walking away. Preacher’s and minister’s are getting caught up in lasciviousness. Babes in Christ are being lured away by wolves in sheep clothing. And the lost are not being won…all because of a lack of fellowship. My thought provoking question for you today is this: If Jesus can sit and fellowship at the table with sinners, why is it so hard for us to sit and fellowship at a table with the saints? Selah.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

From Lo-Debar to Jerusalem

The other night, as I was resting and preparing for bed, I heard the Lord speak one word, "Mephibosheth." It shook my spirit as it has been a while since I had read about the story of Mephibosheth, but knew enough off hand to know this was the story of Jonathan's crippled son. As I began to seek God about this Word and the "burden" I was feeling, the Lord shared a Word with me that I'd like to share with you now and over the course of the next few newsletters. But first, allow me to give you a brief background on the story of Mephibosheth.

According to 2 Samuel 4, Mephibosheth was in the care of his nurse when word came that both his father, Jonathan, and his grandfather, Saul, were slain at Jezreel. The calamity and fear of the on sweep of the Philistines incited terror in Mephibosheth's nurse resulting in her fleeing while carrying him. She fell and consequently Mephibosheth was left permanently lame. They fled to Lo-Debar where Mephibosheth remained until King David, upon learning of his existence, sent for him. Mephibosheth left Lo-Debar at the response to the king's call where he then resided in Jerusalem for 17 years and was a daily guest at the king's table because of the covenant David had with Jonathan.

In reading and studying this text, there are so many truths within this text that scream at me; the temptation for me is to exegete the text. However, the current assignment is in relaying to you the burden the Lord gave me concerning the body of Christ in hopes of bringing edification. The more I sought God about this and the more I pondered, the heavier the "burden" became; The body of Christ has been functioning numb! Understand beloved that numbness is one of the characteristics of crippled conditions. The Church by in large has been functioning crippled and has presented a "dwarf church" which has been dwelling in a place that is not equipped to bring fruit or advancement; a spiritual Lo-Debar. Please note that while the Hebrew texts for Lo-Debar means "no word," the book of Amos adds new vowels making the meaning of the word "a place of nothing" or "not a pasture." But God is sending forth a clarion call to shift the Church out of their place of Lo-Debar into their place of Jerusalem.

Beloved, you are being summoned from a dry place, an unproductive place, a place of numbness to a place of peace, a place where the spirit of God rests, a place where you can receive streams of living water. No longer can you dwell in “a place of nothing.” But God is calling for a shifting to happen. Your “chronos” and “kairos” has made a collision which results in a jolting and an awakening where you “come to yourself” and realize Lo-Debar is not where you belong. The call has gone forth. But the response to the call is the beginning of the shift that is needed.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Reconciliation and The Blood

During this season, we are mindful of lent as we commemorate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We collectively come together to celebrate the redemption of the shed blood on Calvary. As the songwriter sings..."It reaches the highest mountain, and it flows to the lowest valley. The blood that gives me strength from day to day. It will never lose its power."  How can this be? How can the blood have power, the "dunamis" power that transcends any disease, any pain, or any sin? It even speaks on a frequency that human ears can't detect. Understand that blood is the highest acceptable sacrifice because it is the spirit of life. The essence of all life is in the blood. It is the only visible element of the human being that transcends time and space. There is no part of the body that is untouched by it. It is the only moving tissue in the body and it communicates to every other part of the body. It serves as the body's intelligent and alert system. Now I understand why the Word says in John 1:14 that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us... IT WAS MET WITH THE BLOOD! According to Hebrews 4:12 - The Word is living and active, sharper than any double edged sword! Through the blood, we are then reconciled back to God thus making us ministers of reconciliation according to 2 Corinthians 5.  Holman Pocket Bible Dictionary says that reconciliation is "bringing together of two parties that are estranged or in dispute. Jesus Christ is the one who brings together God and man, with salvation as the result of the union. Several themes are essential to a biblical understanding of reconciliation. First is a recognition of the need for reconciliation (Rom 5:10; Eph 2:12; Col 1:21). Sin has created the separation and alienation between God and man. Reconciliation assumes there is a need for separation to be bridged and for God and humanity to be restored in right relationship. Second, God is the Reconciler; reconciliation is His work. The incarnation is God's declaration that the initiative for reconciliation resides exclusively with Him (2 Cor 5:19). Third, the death of Jesus Christ is the means by which God accomplishes reconciliation (Rom 5:10). Fourth, reconciliation is a completed work but is still being fulfilled. Although the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ has already procured reconciliation, human beings still receive God's reconciling work and gracious gift by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Fifth, the divine human act of reconciliation serves as the basis for authentic person-to-person reconciliation. Finally, God's reconciling work is in large measure the ministry of the church. In this sense reconciliation is not only a reality of life for believers, but it is also a purpose of their kingdom ministry" (Holman, 301).

With this understanding in mind, we know that the blood of Jesus is able to go deeper and lower than any other person can go, and can reach further than any other arm can reach. The process of reconciliation is in the journey of returning to the Lord. My challenge to you is simple yet thought provoking. What could possibly be causing distance between you and Jesus? What is standing in your way of experiencing the reconciling power of God in its fullness? Maybe it is a lack of trust. Or maybe it is a secret that you have never uttered. Maybe it is fear. Or it could even be sin. Whatever it is, or shall I say whomever is standing in between you and Jesus is delaying (though not denying) your reconciling process. The Spirit of the Lord is beckoning you right now to return. I hear the voice of God whispering in this very moment saying "return to your first love." It's in that moment, while receiving the pure love of Jesus that He can fill any void, heal any hurt, and reconcile you back into a perfected relationship with Him.